Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Living on borrowed time

I just got a report from my cardiologist a few days ago and it wasn't that great. For those of you who don't know I have a heart condition. it is called Familial Hyper Cholesterolema. Genetic high cholesterol runs like butter. 10 years ago I had a triple bi-pass turns out that two of the bi-passes are block again. After hearing that I thought I must be living on borrowed time. But then that lead me to think is time a commodity that can be borrowed? If time can be borrowed then time must be able to be repaid. With out trying to get to philosophical the answer is NO. So then if time can not be repaid time can not be borrowed. Easy enough to grasp but if that is true what does that mean to my life. Crap! If time is not borrowed time is given. With out putting my own belief spin on it ( if that is possible), All time is given. However on that day ten years ago someone, something or some cosmic roll of the dice decide that I got more time. If I was given more time that I cannot repay then I need to make the most of that time. When I see someone in need I need to stop and help I must never drive by another living soul that is stuck without seeing if I can help. I am living on time that is not mine my life should have ended 10 years ago. But what can that mean to others that have not had the same experiences that I have?
You may not have knocked on deaths door yet like I have (pushing 10 times now). But every second that passes to you is dead. You can remember it but you can not change it. EVER! So live each minute as if it were your last Corny I know but is it better to look back on life and know that you took the time to find the answers to the what ifs instead of being to scared to be the fool? What might have happened if you had tried out for football or track. What might have happened if you had learned to play that instrument? The list is endless and the possibility's are too. No I don't think everyone one will be a star in everything they do. But you can enjoy something you really suck at. When the end of your days rolls around what is better to have said about you? He/She was never afraid to go out on a limb for a friend or to try something new. Or He/She spent their whole life at home and no one ever got to know them. You can not chose how much time you get but you can choose what you will do with the time you are given.
Just a little side note "Everyone is sick with a terminal disease. It's called life . Your born with it and from your first breath till your last your dying. It is just a matter of how long it takes"

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