Thursday, December 31, 2009


I was in a discussion recently with someone who thought that all Christians were stupid. After some thought I have to say that Christians ARE stupid . I mean come on who do they think that they are kidding. A GOD that created everything from nothing. A GOD that cares, a GOD that would come to earth for 33-ish years live as a man and then die. STUPID STUPID STUPID. How can any average Christian know 100% for sure that what they read in the BIBLE ( a so called holy book ) is really the word of GOD. I mean its not like science. With science we know 100% for sure why things work the way they do. I mean when I use a microwave it works because I pushed the button right. I mean that is all there is to it. Press buttons and things cook. But wait I don't know diddly squat about microwaves . PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN MICROWAVES ARE STUPID. Do Scientists know 100% about microwaves ? Doubt it . Now T.V. that's something you can believe in I mean you hit the button and the little picture turns on and people get shot and they really die right? Wrong trick of t.v. magic . Well then everyone that uses a t.v must know everything there is to know about how a t.v. broadcast is sent. No wait . ANYONE WHO LIKES T.V. IS STUPID. Moving on how about the moon we know that men have walked on the moon right because we were there and saw it live on t.v. , but wait can't they fake t.v. stuff. OH NO. PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE THAT MAN HAS BEEN ON THE MOON ARE STUPID. ( after all we personally have never been there). What about the field of medicine every little pill you take you know what it does right it not then you are taking someone Else's word for it and you pal o mine are STUPID!!!!! Here's the big boy . Creation If you believe that GOD made the world then you are stupid. Something from nothing STUPID. Now the big bang that is something that we can hold on to . Nothing was there and then BANG it was there. Wait isnt that why Creations is stupid????? But everything coming from one common ancestor that makes sense . I mean we seed it all over the place Just yesterday my cat turned in to my Dog, and my fish climb out of it fish tank. Wait we have no proof of that ???? Would their be dead bodies laying all around if we did evolve like they say? Bodies in the many different stages . What about life on different planets the chemicals we need are here why aren't the chemicals needed for a different for of life found else where? But wait there is no proof of any of this so Evolution is STUPID. So this merry little circle comes all the way round to the start again but this time it start with this

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness
1 corinthians 3:19

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
1 corinthians 1:25

I guess if I have to be stupid I will choose to be GOD stupid. With GOD stupid I get heaven . With Man stupid I get to be worm food. So now you can choose what kind of stupid you will be.
Run get your dunce cap times running out!

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